The Godzilla Facts
- The 1998 version of Godzilla raised over 375,000,000 $ making more profit than 2005 Batman movie but still the movie is labelled as flop!
- An Italian version of the film was released in 1977 in which the original black and white movie was colorized and spiced up with scenes of World War.!!
- The Godzilla is supposed to be around 645 feet tall but the Godzilla suit worn by the actors is just 7 feet tall and filming the sequences in a miniature city cardboard replica in which the camera speeds are around 10 times the original speed !
- In total up till now there are 30 Godzilla movies in which two are American remakes,13 versus movies that includes 'Godzilla Vs KingKong' , and even Space Godzillas!
- The first Godzilla film had over 18 minutes of cut for the American audiences ,in which scenes pertaining to abandoning of nuclear weapons were removed !
- Godzilla's distinctive ROooaaAAR was created by using a single leather glow covered with resin and stroked down the double base of a violin !
That's all for the giant Godzilla!.If you learned something new,do share this
(Sources: Yahoo! movies,Wiki)
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